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Tips for Earning PSAT Commended Scholarships?

I've heard about the Commended Scholarships associated with PSAT and I'm really interested! Can anyone provide some tips on how to maximize my chances of earning one of these scholarships? Do you have any advice for preparation or resources I should be using?

13 days ago

To maximize your chances of earning a PSAT Commended Scholarship, it's essential to prepare well for the test. The PSAT is similar in structure to the SAT, focusing on three areas: Math, Reading, and Writing & Language. Here are some tips and resources to help you prepare:

1. Understand the test structure: Familiarize yourself with the PSAT structure, timing, and question types. The test has two Math sections, one without a calculator (17 questions in 25 minutes) and one with a calculator (31 questions in 45 minutes). The Reading section comprises 47 questions to be completed in 60 minutes, and the Writing & Language section has 44 questions with a time limit of 35 minutes.

2. Start studying early: Give yourself ample time to prepare. Starting a few months before the test can help you build a solid foundation in each subject and identify areas where you need improvement.

3. Use official College Board resources: The College Board offers official PSAT practice tests and sample questions on their website. Start with these resources, as they'll provide you with an accurate representation of the test content.

4. Take practice tests: Regularly taking full-length practice tests will help gauge your progress, build stamina, and improve time management skills. Analyze your performance after each practice test to identify areas for improvement and adjust your study plan accordingly.

5. Focus on areas of weakness: When reviewing your practice tests, note the areas in which you're struggling. Spend extra time on these topics and seek help from a teacher, tutor, or study group if needed.

6. Use the Khan Academy: The College Board has partnered with Khan Academy to provide tailored practice resources for the SAT; these resources will also be helpful for PSAT preparation. The platform offers personalized study plans, video lessons, and practice questions for both Math and Reading sections.

7. Develop test-taking strategies: Learn techniques to help you maximize your score, such as eliminating incorrect answers, strategic guessing, and skimming passages for key information.

8. Take regular breaks and stay healthy: Don't burn yourself out with constant studying. Be sure to take breaks, get enough sleep, eat well, and stay physically active. A healthy body and mind will contribute to better performance on test day.

In summary, prepare early, use official resources, focus on areas of weakness, and practice test-taking strategies. Remember to take breaks and stay healthy throughout the process. With dedication and consistent practice, you'll improve your chances of earning a PSAT Commended Scholarship. Good luck!

13 days ago

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