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Need help brainstorming persuasive essay topics

I've got to write a persuasive essay for my English class, and I'm kinda stuck on what topic to choose. It's not for college apps, but I still want it to be interesting and well-researched. Any suggestions on good, engaging topics to write about?

13 days ago

Choosing a persuasive essay topic can be a bit tricky because you'll want to select something that is unique, engaging, and has ample information available for research. Here are five suggestions that could make for compelling persuasive essays:

1. Social media's impact on mental health: Argue for or against the idea that the constant use or overuse of various social media platforms negatively affects mental health, particularly among younger generations. You can research studies on social media usage, rates of anxiety and depression among users, and specific cases where social media negatively impacted individuals or groups.

2. The influence of advertising on body image: Discuss whether exposure to unrealistic advertising standards contributes to harmful body image perceptions. Explore the prevalence of airbrushing and photoshopping in advertisements, negative impacts on self-esteem, and potential regulations or changes within the advertising industry to promote healthier body image standards.

3. Animal rights and factory farming: Explore the ethical implications of factory farming practices and animal rights, arguing for or against the need for increased regulations or sustainable alternatives. You can research the conditions of animals in factory farms, environmental impacts, and the potential health implications for humans consuming these products.

4. Single-use plastics and environmental impact: Make a case for why single-use plastics, such as water bottles and plastic bags, should be replaced with more sustainable alternatives. Research the environmental effects of plastic waste, such as ocean pollution and harm to wildlife, and investigate already-implemented alternatives, like biodegradable or reusable products, and their effectiveness.

5. Reducing the voting age: Argue either for or against lowering the voting age to 16, discussing the potential benefits and drawbacks. Delve into the maturity and political awareness of younger voters, their involvement in issues that directly affect them (such as education or climate change), and compare the voting ages in different countries.

Whichever topic you choose, ensure you research current articles, studies, and reputable sources to develop a strong, well-supported argument. Good luck on your persuasive essay and happy writing!

13 days ago

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