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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How Much is the SAT Exam?

I'm a little stressed about taking the SAT and the costs associated with it. Can someone tell me the current cost of the SAT exam (without the essay)? Also, are fee waivers available for low-income students, and if so, how do I go about getting one?

13 days ago

The cost of the SAT exam without the essay is currently $60. You're right to be aware of this, as it's important to ensure you're prepared for any associated fees.

Good news for low-income students: fee waivers are indeed available. They are designed to help cover the costs of the exam, including registration fees and, in some cases, additional benefits such as free score reports and waivers on college application fees. To be eligible for a fee waiver, you typically need to meet specific criteria related to family income or enrollment in certain programs like free/reduced-price lunch or the Federal Free or Reduced-price Lunch Program (FRPL).

To obtain a fee waiver, you should talk to your high school counselor. They can provide you with more information on eligibility requirements and will also have the necessary forms and application process for obtaining a fee waiver. Don't be afraid to ask your counselor for support; it's their job to help you through situations like this.

Best of luck with your SAT preparation and future college applications! Remember that proper planning and preparation can help reduce the stress surrounding these processes. Reach out to your counselor or other available resources for guidance on test prep and strategies for success.

13 days ago

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