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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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William and Mary average ACT score?

Hello! I'm looking into applying for the College of William and Mary, and I was wondering what the average ACT score is for admitted students? I want to make sure my current score (30) is competitive enough. Thanks in advance!

11 days ago

Hello! The middle 50% ACT score range for admitted students at the College of William and Mary typically falls between 32 and 34. Your current ACT score of 30 is below this average range, so you will want to raise your ACT score to make your application more competitive. Keep in mind that the admissions process is holistic, and your score is just one aspect of your application.

It might be worth noting that a strong application with excellent extracurriculars, recommendation letters, and essays can help to compensate for a slightly lower test score. If you feel confident in other areas of your application, you may still have a chance of being admitted. If you're concerned about your test score, you can try taking the test again or focus on improving other aspects of your application.

Additionally, be sure to research the specific program you're interested in, as some majors or programs might have higher average ACT scores than others. Good luck with your college application process!

11 days ago

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