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Which is more difficult – IB or AP courses?

I've been trying to decide whether to pursue the IB or AP track at my school and I'm wondering about the difficulty level of each. Are IB courses generally more difficult than AP courses, or does it depend on the subject? If anyone has any experience with both, please share your thoughts! Thanks!

7 months ago

Hey there! Both IB and AP courses are definitely rigorous, but the difficulty can vary depending on the subject and your individual strengths. In general, IB courses are more focused on developing critical thinking and global perspectives, while AP courses are more subject-specific and concentrate on depth of knowledge within a particular field.

Here's an example to illustrate: in a history course, the AP approach might require memorizing specific dates and events, whereas the IB approach would focus on understanding and analyzing historical contexts and perspectives. Some students might find one approach more difficult than the other depending on their learning style.

It's worth noting that the full IB Diploma Programme is more comprehensive than just taking a handful of AP classes, as it requires several additional core components. In this case, the workload and overall difficulty may be greater for the full IB Programme compared to a set of AP classes.

Don't forget to consider your own educational goals, skills, and interests in making your decision.

Good luck with your decision!

7 months ago

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