So, the Common App says the essay should be between 250-650 words. That’s a pretty big range, and I'm stressing about hitting the right length. Any advice on whether it's better to stick to the shorter end or use up all the space to express myself more fully?
The sweet spot for your Common App essay is typically closer to the upper limit of the word count. Think of it this way: colleges are giving you up to 650 words to showcase your personality, experiences, and writing ability – use them wisely. A longer essay allows for greater depth and detail, which can make a stronger impression. However, every word must earn its place; if you can convey your message powerfully in fewer words, do so. Aim for concise but comprehensive storytelling. For example, if you're writing about a community service experience, it's important to detail not just what you did but also what you learned and how it changed you. Clarity and impact are more important than length, but if you are substantially under the word limit, you might be missing an opportunity to provide the admissions committee with a fuller picture of who you are.
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