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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Is a 35 ACT enough or should I aim for 36?

Okay so, I've taken the ACT and got a 35 which is great but not perfect. I’m keen on applying to some Ivies and top-tier engineering programs. Given the perfectionist nature of these places, should I give it another shot for that perfect 36 or would it be an unnecessary stressor on top of my already packed senior year?

a year ago

First off, congratulations on achieving a fantastic score of 35 on your ACT! That score is truly impressive and reflects your hard work and aptitude. As a parent who has just gone through the process with my kid, I can empathize with the pressure to aim for the absolute best. It's important to remember, however, that the difference between a 35 and a 36 on the ACT is minimal and it's unlikely to significantly impact your admissions chances, even at Ivy League schools or top-tier engineering programs.

Admissions committees are aware that standardized test scores are just one piece of the puzzle. Instead of re-taking the ACT, my advice would be to focus on maintaining your GPA, polishing your essays, and continuing your extracurriculars, which can also greatly influence your application. Balancing a packed senior year schedule is challenging enough, so unless you have a specific reason to believe that one point will make a crucial difference for a particular scholarship or program, I would not recommend adding that extra stress to your plate. Best of luck with your applications!

a year ago

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