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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What GPA do I need for the honor roll in high school?

Hey everyone! Working towards making the honor roll this year and I'm trying to set a target. What GPA do I need to aim for to get on the honor roll at most high schools?

a year ago

Hello! The GPA requirements for honor roll can vary significantly from one high school to another. Typically, schools set a minimum GPA between 3.0 and 3.5 for honor roll, but some schools might have higher benchmarks, especially for distinctions like 'High Honor Roll' or 'Principal's List.' Your school's handbook or counseling office should have the specific criteria listed.

Moreover, some schools might consider weighted GPAs for honors courses, which can influence the GPA you need to achieve. It's great that you're setting goals for yourself, so I encourage you to reach out directly to your school counselor to get the exact figures for your school. They can provide you with precise information and help you map out a plan to reach your target. Keep up the good work, aiming for the honor roll is a commendable goal!

a year ago

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