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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What's the maximum GPA possible in high school?

I've been hearing different things about GPAs and how they're weighted. Can someone explain to me what the max GPA in high school is? Does it change if you're taking AP or honors classes?

5 months ago

Hello! I'm glad you're looking for clarity on GPAs, as they are indeed an important facet of your high school record. Typically, the GPA scale in high school varies depending on whether the school uses a weighted or unweighted system. An unweighted GPA measures on a scale of 0 to 4.0, where a 4.0 is the highest, corresponding to an A average in all classes.

When a school uses a weighted GPA, they're accounting for the difficulty of classes a student has taken. This means the scale can go above 4.0, often up to a 5.0 or even higher in some cases. For instance, an A in an AP or honors class might be given a 5.0 (or another value higher than 4.0), thereby increasing the maximum GPA possible. However, the exact maximum would depend on how many AP or honors courses are available and how the individual school calculates their weighted GPA.

It's also key to remember that while weighted GPAs can technically be above 4.0, colleges often re-calculate GPAs on their own scale to ensure consistency in comparison between applicants from different high schools. They might consider the rigor of your courses as a separate factor. Thus, taking challenging classes like AP or honors is beneficial both for the weighted GPA and for demonstrating academic rigor to colleges.

5 months ago

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