4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Leadership or Journalism?

Hi! I'm a freshman, and I was wondering which elective I should take next year. The first choice is Leadership. I've taken Leadership throughout middle school, and I took it this year in high school as well. Therefore, I think I have a pretty good chance of getting selected for the Leadership class next year as well. For context, 100 students are selected out of about 300 who apply. The second choice is journalism. I was an editor of my school newspaper in middle school. However, there was no journalism class. It was just an after school club. I also took a journalism class from the high school during middle school which will allow me to take Journalism II directly instead of taking Journalism I first, if I choose to take it next year. However, the Journalism class is not selective like the Leadership class. Which class would be better to take?


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2 answers

4 years ago

It depends on what type of career you would like to pursue, but Leadership would be more recommended for someone who is involved in the community and interested in public service, and Journalism is likely better for someone who is interested in pursuing a career in broadcasting or media. Either way, both classes are likely very informative and helpful, so there really isn't much of a downside either way, it's all down to career aspirations and your personal preference.

4 years ago

I personally would say journalism but it depends in what you want to do potentially as a career and how you think you would do in the classes. Anyways as you say there is a selection process to get into leadership but there is none for journalism, if you can sign up for leadership but put journalism as a backup in case.

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