4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Can I get rescinded for not having an EC on my transcript that I reported on Common App?

Hey everyone! I’m currently a senior and I, thankfully, got into a few colleges. However, unfortunately, I started slacking a little bit senior year and I didn’t continue through with an extracurricular activity that I said I did this year on the common app (and also had a leadership position in) so it won’t appear on my transcript, unfortunately. So is it possible for me that I could get rescinded from any of my colleges because of this? Please let me know your thoughts in the comments down below. Thank you so much!!


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2 answers

4 years ago

Higher education institutions want to attract successful students who will thrive academically and positively contribute to the campus community. Varsity Blues jolted many institutions into self-reflection mode. Here are a few encouraging developments:

University of California: Just 3 months after news of the scandal broke, the University of California conducted an audit to scrutinize their admissions process to better identify applications with false information. The audit recommended stricter controls and more careful fact-checking about students’ participation in extracurriculars, especially in sports.

University of Pennsylvania: This university is also trying to close any loopholes for students tempted to falsely report participation in extracurriculars. According to admissions officers, the school is considering implementing a process in which “selected applicants can be chosen for further vetting randomly or because of inconsistencies in a student’s application.”

Northwestern University: Like the other schools, Northwestern University is also committed to a zero-tolerance policy for submitting false information. If students do this, “it can result in a revocation of admission, or, if enrolled, the student can be expelled,” the university says.

I recommend that you err on the side of caution and contact the schools you got accepted at and let them know your application was incorrect for the leadership position. That is better than getting a letter from the college rescinding your admittance.

4 years ago

I don't think most schools even put ECs on your transcript so as long as you actually did it in previous years and can have a teacher or someone confirm your participation if need be then you should be fine.

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