4 years ago
Admissions Advice

should I be including honors on common app application?

Hi there!

I am a college transfer student who just recently graduated from my community college with honors. I am applying to universities with the common app and I just wanted to know if graduating with honors was something that mattered to universities and how I could go about including it in my common app application. There isn't really a spot for that but I was just wondering if that is something important. Thankyou!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Yes, you should definitely include that! It'll show colleges that you can handle their level of course rigor and still perform well. I'm not that familiar with the Common App transfer application, but from watching a quick video about it, it seems like you could mention it in the "Achievements" section, under the "Supporting Information" tab. If there were additional courses or activities you participated in outside of the normal college curriculum to earn these honors, you could instead include it in the "Experiences" section. Congrats, and good luck with your applications!

4 years ago

So there’s no harm in mentioning it but honors isn’t as huge as it’s made out to be. If you are applying to selective school everyone else will have good GPA.

I’d still mention it as long as you have the space (refer to AJs answer)

4 years ago

Yes! Absolutely include that you've graduated with honors! You can include in Achievements or Awards, as mentioned below, but graduating with honors should be automatically included on your transcript -- that is, universities will typically already see that you have graduated with honors even without you clarifying it to them!

4 years ago

I think putting honors on your application is beneficial since it helps admission officers determine what type of person you are. For example, taking honor courses and being successful in the honor courses helps because it shows that you are hardworking and like to take challenges person. Even if you have not a lot of honor courses, that is okay because honor courses are actually challenging.

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