3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Hello,how can I get into an ivy league, with being a transfer student or having a previous degree?

Hi am African, Nigerian precisely, what is the possibility of getting into an ivy league, especially on a scholarship base,can a SAT score get me into a prestigious school,I am also a fresher,I don't have a pre-university degree,do I still have a chance without a show of previous school GPA?

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1 answer

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

There is no simple path for you to get admitted into an Ivy League or Elite college in the US as a transfer international student.

First of all, transferring in say to Harvard is like 0.97% acceptance rate if you've completed a year or two of American college. And as an Int'l transfer, it is likely to be less because such schools may not give you a 1-to-1 credit for your coursework.

Second of all, there is no merit-based scholarship with IVY schools, all financial aid is need-based so you will have to fill out a detailed financial aid form when you apply to college and they will determine how much financial support to award you based on your families' income and assets.

Third, as all standardized testing including the SAT and ACT are currently optional and will continue to be optional in the next cycle (4 out of 8 Ivys have already announced them to be test-optional for the class of 2026), a high SAT score say 1500+ only helps you if you have all the other requirements covered and have evidence of the highest achievement in the following areas:

1.) Academics - 4 years English, 4 years foreign language, 4 years Science (inc. lab sciences), 4 years Math, and 3-4 years of History (American and European)

2.) Evidence of challenging yourself with rigorous coursework like IB diploma or AP courses.

3.) Evidence of intellectual curiosity outside of the classroom such as independent research, internships, or published writings.

4.) Near perfect unweighted grade point average. (like 3.90-4.00 on a 4.00 scale)

5.) Impressive extracurriculars will include various leadership roles, community service, volunteering plus any scholastic talents, honors, and awards. Ivy admits tend also to have some unique skill or talent such as mastering a musical instrument, being a great debater or orator, or have an artistic ability.

6.) Harvard also has an admissions category for athleticism. So if you are a great swimming talent or have other athletic skills like playing on Varsity level sports teams or Club teams, they will assess whether you are recruitable for your sports ability.

I recommend that you do something first. Complete a Collegevine chancing profile and create a list of schools that you are interested in. Then stub in as much data about yourself as you can even though the chancing engine is designed for Americans who are applying out of High School. Once you run the chancing engine you will see for yourself what your chances are in percentage ranges. If you have maxed out your credentials and come out with low chances, it's then time to start revising your list and pick schools where you at least have say 20-40% chance of getting into. It's not my place to tell you whether you are qualified or not. There are plenty of tools and smart CV members on here that can answer more detailed questions than the one you posed.

Alternatively, keep in mind that more than 3 million students enroll in college each fall for the first time, and only about 15,000 get to attend Ivy schools so 99.5% do not attend Ivys. My point is that you can get an an excellent education, as good as an Ivy one at say, the Top 100 colleges. Some of them you have never heard of so start researching what you want to study and where they teach that major and how well they rank among institutions that teach that subject. If only Ivy league graduates were successful, then the world would be quite boring. It's what you know and what you can do that is most important in life even in America, not where you went to college.

Good luck

What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

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