3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will a bad grade in my transcript ruin my chances?

I'm currently a freshman in high school and in 8th grade I took a language class and got below an F. I just ordered my transcript to see what it would look like, and that grade is the first one that shows up. Even though I plan to be in the IB program and get the diploma, would admissions officials in t20 or t50 colleges immediately reject me because of that?


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey @Diana-Baki!

While your transcripts and your grades are an important factor in the admissions process, a single grade from 8th grade should not break your application immediately. Still, I do recommend you try to push it over the limit in your remaining time in high school and always show your hard work in anything you do. Something that you should really focus on, is on your essays and the rest of your application. Remember, a student is much more than just numbers, grades or stats, so do your best and knock it out of the park with your application. Keep your hopes up!


3 years ago

The grades you earn in middle school are usually not looked at during college admissions. Even if you took a high school level language class in middle school (like I did), colleges will not see this when you apply. If you want to redo the class for simply learning purposes and to get a better understanding of the topics you learned before you advance, it is probably best to see if you can take a summer class or remedial classes offered by your school or another program.

However, when you say you ordered your transcript, are you talking about your middle school transcript? Because if you mean you ordered the high school transcript and that grade appeared on the high school transcript, then most likely colleges would see it. That said, failing that one class, especially since you are still in grade 9, should not be a total blow to your college chances.


3 years ago

i don't think so! everyone can have a bad grade sometimes and it won't blow your chances off, after all, nobody is perfect. but i think that you should get a better grade in this class to show your improvement.

3 years ago

When you apply to college, they should not be able to view your middle school grades. So whatever grades you made then no longer matter. Just keep your grades up in high school and you should be alright!

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