4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Would a paid internship still look good on a college application if it is in your mom's company?

Hello! I am on the edge of putting a paid internship I took part in into my college application, but hesitate as it may look bad if it is from my mom's company. This was a three-year long program with different focuses each year, many key speakers, and many proposals to clients. There was no interview required, but is only offered to selected females in my county. Would this still look bad and would colleges look into who ran the internship?

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1 answer

4 years ago

If you take the time to fully be transparent in your employment section about this opportunity, then I think it's okay. Nepotism is just part of the American way of life, especially in politics and business. Now if you are planning on being a social justice warrior fighting for marginalized groups and that's your narrative, then this may appear disingenuine.

If you want to steer clear of possible misinterpretations or the implied entitlement that your admissions officers will read when they see this as your main internship, then it would be better to omit this.

Although we have a new President and new WH cabinet, it was just last month when everyone in the Trump family was some special paid advisor for 4 years. Many people especially those in a leadership position in Higher Education look down on leveraged entitlement. While there is a side door and back door to some of the most elite colleges, those managing the admissions process, do not want to glorify the cohorts that didn't arrive there through their own merit.

You have a tough decision to make.

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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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