3 years ago
Admissions Advice

2 yrs vs 3 yrs of history classes (HS).

Would it be detrimental to my application if I took only 2 years of social sciences instead of 3 for top schools? I'm not planning on majoring on anything related to political sciences or history, and I would have the same numbers of AP classes either way. For example, I would replace AP European History with some other AP class I'm also not planning to major in, like an extra AP language class.

In response to the answers, yes, there are only two years of history required to graduate at my school.


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3 answers

3 years ago

Nope! No detriment. Only qualification — keep in mind that an AP language class will most of the time not be seen as difficult as other APs. Of course different factors that come into play here. As long as your total number of APs isn't dropping, I’d say totally go for the classes that you want!

3 years ago


I'm not sure about the number of history credits you need to graduate from your high school, so I will answer this based on the assumption that you have obtained the necessary history credits needed to graduate. (If you have not, please take another year of history. You cannot graduate without the minimum credits!)

If you are deciding between AP European History and another AP that you are not planning on majoring in, then this would not be detrimental to your application. However, if you are able to take a different AP class instead of history, I highly recommend taking an AP that paints the story of the major you are looking to study. Also, make sure you can handle the rigor of the AP class you choose to take.

To summarize: If you have the necessary history credits, take an AP that you plan to major in - this would be the best path from a college standpoint. :)

3 years ago

almost certainly it would be detrimental, and I would honestly be surprised if you would even be allowed to graduate from HS with only 2 history credits. Maybe consider taking honors history instead if you don't want to take AP.

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