3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What extra curriculars and classes should I take my sophmore,junior, and senior year to be a veterinarian?

Hey Guys! I'm planning on pursuing a career in Animal Science (Veterinarian) and I'm not sure what classes I should take for my sophmore, junior, and senior year. I'm currently a freshman. My school offers Agricultural classes, so I'm doing those but I'm not sure what else. My dream school is MSU if that helps. Any suggested extra-curriculars help too :) and if someone could tell me the best AP classes to take that would be helpful because I don't know anything about them.

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2 answers

3 years ago

I want to be a vet too! I'm also a Freshman. I just want to let you know that animal science is "studying the biology of animals that are under the control of humankind" which basically means studying livestock as food. So if you love animals, animal science may not be the best major for you? But idk. It's been hard for me to find EC during covid, but I have found some great connections. You really have to put yourself out there and cold email animal organizations you would like to work with. I currently volunteer every week at a monkey sanctuary, which I am going to do for the rest of high school. Contact zoos, rescues, animal/wildlife conservations, things like that. See if you could find a vet to shadow. Veterinary medicine is heavily focused on biology, so take AP bio.

3 years ago

AP Environmental Science, AP Bio, and AP Chem for any type of medical careers (even veterinary sciences). You might have to take honors or pre-AP classes before taking the AP classes so make sure to plan accordingly. Some extracurriculars could be shadowing a veterinarian, starting an awareness campaign for things that harm animals (like trash on beaches or something), researching diseases in animals, and if you like competitions, maybe Science Bowl.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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