3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Major Selection Help

Hi! I'm a freshman and I have a good idea of where I want to go to college, but I don't really know what I want to major in yet (yes, I know that I have like 3 years till college apps but I like to be prepared). Does anyone know any good websites/tests that compares majors or recommends some based on your interests? I have a few ideas of what I am vaguely interested in (bio, physics, psych, comp sci, engineering, bioinformatics) but I'm not really sure. Any help would be appreciated!


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3 answers

3 years ago


It is really good that you have started to work on your college admissions from the freshman year itself. You have plenty of time to do a lot of research and other related activities.



Read these sites before selecting a major. I guess it will lead you in the right direction and help you choose the right one.

Hope this helps.

All the Best!!

3 years ago

Just be careful to make sure the websites look legit. 16personalities matches your personality to what you would be good at. Good luck.

3 years ago

I love how you are already looking during your freshman year I wish I started that early but their are a lot of websites that can tell you what you are good at and what would suit you but if I am going to be totally honest with you I think you should find out for yourself. What I say is there is nothing like self searching. Which means that you need to really start to question what it would be like to be in each situation and yes do research but that answer that you are looking for can't come from a website. It has to be from you because no one knows you better than you. It's like when you take those personality tests when you finish you get creeped out right? That is because it tells you a lot about you that you already knew. There is so much that is considered when it comes to these types of things but you need to find the answer yourself and sure do a lot of research like I said before but just don't let a program make your decision for you. But most of all have fun and keep up the great work. :)

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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