4 years ago
Admissions Advice

My application looks like every other students so how am I supposed to get into colleges?

Hi! I'm a junior currently and am feeling quite a bit of stress about future college applications. My GPA dropped a lot this junior year to a 3.7 since I took 5 AP classes and have taken all honors and AP classes since freshman year. I have an ACT score of 30 but I am currently taking a prep program and am hoping to get it up to a 33. I do a lot of extra curriculars such as two jobs, a team leader at my hospital's volunteering program which I hope to receive a scholarship from, Honors Society, Student Government, was a member of Key Club, and my fall/winter sport that I am both captain for. I have no idea how to get accepted to my target schools that I have a 70-80% of getting into so I was wondering if anybody can give suggestions on how to stand out or if it's a long shot and I should find easier schools to settle with. Thanks!

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@SummerMarsh2 years ago [edited]

Hello! First of all, thanks for sharing your experience and also, thanks for advices in the comment above.

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4 answers

4 years ago

Hello Michelle, first of all, I wish you all the luck with your application process. In regards to your "Stand out" factor, I would say you already have it in terms of the rigorous coursework you take. To add on I think your extracurriculars are great, but what I would suggest is to group them and develop a "Spike" in your extracurriculars. For example, if you want to be a doctor I would say your standout factor would be something related to science or research. For example, if you can create your own "research" at your school lab after all this is done, that would contribute greatly to your application, and it would also make you your own applicant not related to others. But if you want to be something different find whats the most contributing factor in the major and group you're extracurricular around that specific group. It'll increase your chances of that major. I hope that helped and made sense, I wish you all the luck!

4 years ago

I think that fact that you took harder classes is more important than getting a straight-A average. Your ACT is already good but if you get it up to a 33, even better. If you write great essays, you should be right on target.

2 years ago

The thing I have understood is that application is worth to work hard on it. Even if you involved into numerous activity which shows your filantrophy, leadership, position as a socially active and integrity, etc., you better work as hard on writing the application too. For example, it was the big challenge for me, so I got the help from https://edubirdie.com/top-writers where I found top writers which could help me to write one of the most important text in my life. I am sure it also doable if you can develop your writing skills. Don't waste your time, practice it!

4 years ago

Personally i think your ECs are great but to stand out I would more or less obess over essays letters as they are the main non number item colleges look for. Though finding a narritive (story) that links your ECs to your intended major is a great idea as well.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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