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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Is it a good idea to get an internship or shadow?

I want to pursue a career in the medic field. I am currently in my freshman year of high school. I have passing grades and participate in extracurricular activities. I have talked to my sister who has enrolled in a medic school and she suggested me to get an internship. So, is it a good idea?

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3 answers

4 years ago

Yes!! Medical schools love to see your passion in the medical field in general, and the best way to do this is to start asking any of your doctors or medical professionals who you know that may provide you an internship. You could also talk to one of your science teachers (or biomedical/anatomy if you have that at your school) and get contacts from them to enroll in an internship. While these internships might not always be paid, it is really interesting and fun, and you gain a LOT of experience in terms of patient care, standard procedures, and other knowledge that you previously didn't know before!

I hope this helps :)

4 years ago

Check to see if your local hospital is open for volunteering (maybe not right now cause of covid, but it's good to keep in mind for the future)! It's basically an internship; it will help you get a sense of a medical environment, and dedicated volunteering especially in a desired career path always looks good on college apps! If you're interested in or want to get a feel for more specialized areas of medicine, you could also ask your family dermatologist, gynecologist, etc if they would be willing to let you shadow them for a day.

3 years ago

If you are really looking to get a job in the future and want to be on the fast-track towards success, then yes, it is a good idea to get an internship or shadow. I've seen many people who have done internships or shadowing programs and they have been successful in their jobs. I would also suggest you use resume boosters services based on the site it will help to make a impression on getting a job. The reason is because they were able to get some hands-on experience and learn from someone who has been working in that industry for years.

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