4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What's the difference between an Ivy league, normal university, and community colleges, and what are the standards?

What are the differences between those schools, even though they all teach the same or whatnot subjects? Does attending an Ivy League mean more than attending a normal university (e.g. UCLA, Ohio State)? What's the difference between a community college with a private university?


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3 answers

4 years ago

Community college is typically offered to people in the community.

Meanwhile, the main distinction of an Ivy League college is that it is more selective than other universities, and is often regarded as more prestigious. Ivy League Schools typically are hard to get into, but are also looked at well on your Resume.

Ivy League schools often have world-class professors as well. Most IVY league schools are known for their programs: Wharton school of business, Harvard school of law, and MIT (Massachusetts institute of Technology)

2 years ago


4 years ago

Below, I have outlined the different types of colleges/universities:

Community College: Generally speaking, this is the least competitive type of college (meaning the admissions rates are highest and admissions criteria is lower than at other types of college/university). Some community colleges only offer 2-year degrees (associate degrees) and tuition at these universities tends to be lower than at other types of universities.

Normal Universities: Normal universities generally offer 4-year degrees (bachelors), though some also offer 2-year degrees (associates). These universities are usually more competitive than community college from an admissions standpoint, but the admissions criteria/standards differ significantly among universities. In the general category of "normal universities" there are two subcategories (public and private). Public universities are funded by the states, and tuition varies by residency classification. In state students tend to have lower tuition rates (since state taxes help fund tuition for in state students). Out of state students pay higher tuition rates, though the tuition rates are still often lower than at private universities. Private universities (usually) do not have different tuition rates for in state and out of state (OOS) students, since they are not state funded. They rely on tuition, donations, and endowment to fund education.

Ivy League: Ivy League schools are known as some of the most competitive universities in the country. Technically speaking, the Ivy League was originally a (NCAA) sports league, and the schools included were included based on their location/sports team, rather than academics. Over time, these universities have become more and more competitive, making them extremely elite schools. These universities are all private schools and have relatively high tuition. They also tend to offer generous need-based aid, though they do not offer merit based aid.

Note: There are only eight Ivy League schools (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, University of Pennsylvania, Columbia, Brown, and Dartmouth). However, there are several other universities (public and private) that are just as selective or even more competitive than the Ivy League schools. Examples include MIT, CalTech, Stanford, and Duke.

Attending more prestigious schools (such as the Ivy League schools) is highly regarded by employers for a couple of reasons. First, the students that attend these universities tend to perform extremely well academically, and take rigorous classes that prepare them well for future work. In addition, the Ivy League schools provide vast resources to ensure success of their students (research opportunities, internship opportunities, extensive alumni network, etc.).

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