I just noticed that my chancings that collegevine gave me for each college have changed drastically since the last time I checked it and I haven't added new information to my profile. Anyone noticed the same thing?
I don't think it affects everyone, my chancing for say my top 10 schools remained exactly the same percentage range. 9 were like 33-48% hard targets and 1 was a target at 45-59%. Can someone post what their biggest change in percentage was before/after and what the schools were? Just to share info with the other CV subscribers.
I've also noticed this, but I believe it just got more accurate. My chances didn't really change as anyways.
Also, not to be a mini-mod, but perhaps in the future these types of post could be a discussion post rather than a question one. I never really see anyone use them, so it'd be nice. Doesn't really matter though I suppose.
Yes, my chancings all went up somehow. Maybe it has to do with many of the schools going test-optional for the next couple of years.
To keep this community safe and supportive:
For mine, Tufts went from a Reach(about 20-30% chance) to a target(67-75%) and BU and Lehigh both went from a target(50% ish) to safety schools at 84-92%.