I am currently a sophomore in high school and I have never really had interest in Model UN and I am planning to go into the healthcare medical field in college. A lot of my friends have said I should join because it looks good for college, but it does not really interest me. How could it look good for college especially for a science/healthcare major?
If you are looking to go into the medical field u can also find connections to Model UN. In the medical field, it is essential to understand the proper ways to develop a plan quickly and command the attention of a room and convey your ideas. These important skills are also foundational in Model UN. What’s more, important topics such as bioethics, responses to biological disasters, and more are commonplace at Model UN conferences and beyond.
I recommend that you pursue extracurricular activities that interest them for several other reasons, including: gaining deeper knowledge of academic subjects; exploring curiosities; gaining clarity around potential career options; participating in team activities; personal fulfillment; and fun.
Here’s the most interesting part: students who pursue a focused extracurricular path instead of trying to join every activity and mimic what their peers are doing end up spending less time overall on extracurriculars; experience less stress by not trying to “keep up”; and stand out on college applications.
I don't think you should do MUN just because your friends suggested you to, but I would definitely recommend trying it out to see it is for you. I was also kind of iffy about going into MUN in 8th grade, but I joined and I LOVED it! Now I've been doing it for almost 4 years! I think if you love it, you can naturally tie it to your medical interest, as the other commenters have said.
I agree with the first comment, but also note that Model UN will be very helpful to discuss and think about medical topics through Medical committees like WHO, SOCHUM, UNICEF, and more. In addition to this, you should look into HOSA because I heard my friends say it's very good and about medical things.
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