4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I write my common app essay about this topic?

Hi! I'm a Mexican international student that will be applying to US colleges this fall. Last summer, I had an advocacy project with the political advocacy group of my NGO. My state is better conservative and we lack quality sex education, so the project was about presenting a sex education initiative to the Education and Health departments based on our previous fieldwork. The initiative had a focus on consent, reducing sexual violence, reducing teen pregnancies, and sexual and reproductive rights. I would like to write my essay about this experience, as it was very meaningful to me. Do you think that it comes off as unique? I am also worried that sex education could sound controversial to some admissions officers, which is your opinion on that?

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2 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Exactly what @n.maria.b said! I'd say that most U.S. colleges are liberal these days, but honestly, liberal or conservative, your experience sounds incredible! If this is a passion of yours and you can write a great reflection about it, then I'd say it would be a great addition to your student profile. Good luck!

4 years ago

I personally in my application will be avoiding political topics at all costs because I don't know if my regional admissions officer is a die-hard conservative or a liberal, and I wouldn't want to offend anybody and ruin my chances of getting in. Your experience, on the other hand, is very unique to you and could very well set you aside from other applicants. As long as it doesn't seem like you are imposing your views on others, then write about it. If you truly believe your application would be incomplete without that story, by all means, develop and write a meaningful essay about it. But again, watch your wording throughout the whole essay.

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