4 years ago
Admissions Advice

How do I do community service or anything for college while quarantined?

Hi, I'm a sophomore in high school and currently in shelter in place because of COVID-19. I am wondering what I can do to build my resume during this time from home.

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[🎤 AUTHOR]@22npoe4 years ago

thank you!!

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Hey! I'm also a sophomore, and I was wondering the same thing. If you search up "remote internships in (field of interest)" and a bunch of opportunities will come up! It's all done online. I found a marketing internship online through this, and it's been a great opportunity to learn how to use more technology and a great way to build my resume. Additionally, you can take initiative by tutoring local kids, raising money for the hard-working health workers during this time, or donating food to people who can't afford it right now. This all shows you're taking initiative and that you're doing your best given your resources during a rough time which is great for a resume. Good luck!

4 years ago

Hi @22npoe! I'm facing the same problem too as a student starting junior year this year. There isn't much to do as community service actively when you're sitting at home, but you could do things like contacting an NGO and starting a GoFundMe project to fundraise money for a cause. You could write some articles supporting a particular cause or issue in your community or around the world. You could plan some things to do after this pandemic gets over and of course a good thing to do would be to prepare for your SAT/ACT exams and if you have an indoor activity you've been practicing, say an instrument, you could polish your skills in that. You could start a YouTube channel about something you're really passionate about or even a podcast on a topic of your choice that might benefit other teenagers or people. Hope this helps.

4 years ago[edited]

Hi! I'm also a sophomore and struggling with the same issue. One thing that I would start by doing is considering what type of extracurriculars you should do to be related to your college major or potential career. Once you've figured that out, you can try to organize some things online! There's plenty of things you can do. You can write articles to showcase your personal work, and it can be about something of your interest; such as a social or political issue. You can also consider visual arts like videography related to personal interests--even animation. One thing that I'm doing at this time is helping to organize a project to help affected people from COVID19 with the non-profit I volunteer with, all over the phone and through online Zoom meetings. So, you can use this newfound virus as an opportunity to help people. There are also many summer programs that are now online instead of in-person because of COVID19 from top universities you can apply or at least look into. Lastly, use this time as an opportunity to study for upcoming exams like SATs or APs and find opportunities that will be available for you after the pandemic, like when Junior year starts. Again, this should be related to your subject area. If you have any questions at all let me know :)

4 years ago

Hi npoe i would advise either practicing essays or narrowing down your major and or college but if you want a community task to do applying to a temp job at your nearby gracery store is good especially if the bring bags to the car

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