I am looking for cheap community colleges. That I can apply to. Other things include Test-Optional, Not really selective, And has a variety of AA degree options.
You may qualify for in-state tuition at the Northern Kentucky community and technical college since you live in a border state. I know that I (a Kentucky resident) qualified for the University of Cincinnati's in-state tuition even though I lived 3 hours from Cincinnati. If not, KCTCS schools are pretty cheap and a great idea for whether you want to learn a trade or get some easy electives out of the way before attending a 4-year state school (like me in high school and every summer)!
Here's a link to apply: https://students.kctcs.edu/psc/stdsaprd/EMPLOYEE/SA/c/COMMUNITY_ACCESS.K_OLA_LANDING_FL.GBL?&
And feel free to ask me more questions about this! This helped me save SO much money as an out-of-state student that I don't have to take any electives or freshman classes (so boom 1 year off for wiggle room if you fail some classes or change your major a lot or want to graduate early)
To keep this community safe and supportive:
You may qualify for in-state tuition at the Northern Kentucky community and technical college since you live in a border state. I know that I (a Kentucky resident) qualified for the University of Cincinnati's in-state tuition even though I lived 3 hours from Cincinnati. If not, KCTCS schools are pretty cheap and a great idea for whether you want to learn a trade or get some easy electives out of the way before attending a 4-year state school (like me in high school and every summer)!