3 years ago
Admissions Advice

How Far Up Can A Legacy Go?

I'm planning on applying to a college that my great-great-grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents, and my father all attended. Would it be possible to list all of these under the legacy section in my application or would I only be able to list up to my grandparents?

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3 answers

3 years ago

Cathy, that's impressive that you will be a 5th generation legacy if you are admitted. I'm sure that you have excellent chances to leverage that unique history into your college acceptance. Technically I only know of a few schools that include grandparents into legacy consideration and that is USC. Most colleges consider you a legacy if 1 parent graduated from that institution. I think if you wrote in the additional information section that you would be the 5th generation if you are accepted to attend, that will ear-mark your application even further.

Good luck.

3 years ago

So almost always the main benefit is for parents who attended the undergraduate school. There is likely a reduced benefit for siblings undergrad and parents at master or doctorate level like law school. But generally it’s a direct family member as in someone you live with. So grandparents are highly stretching it anymore it’s incredibly unlikely. You can list dad and grandpa but expect the dad to be the only one with noticeable impact. If anything that should be detailed in a why this school essay not the family details.

Hope this helps.

3 years ago

Common App has a legacy section, and some colleges will have a legacy supplement. It would be best to research how that specific college manages legacy applicants. Some schools pay very close attention while other schools do not. If the school uses the Common App you may not be able to list everyone. However, if the school strongly tracks legacy applicants they may have a supplement or you may wish to contact the Alumni Association and find out how best to incorporate that information in your application.

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