4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Wondering about the stereotypical college experience abroad

I am a junior considering my options for completing my whole bachelors degree abroad. One of my big hang ups with this is wondering if I am going to be missing out on the american college experience. If anyone has studied abroad for a year or even four and would like to get in touch to discuss their experience that would be very beneficial for continuing my search process.

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2 answers

4 years ago

If you have spent your entire life in the United States, then I do not think you will miss out on much. But I can give you a sneak peek into what other countries offer.

In the United Kingdom (and largely the entire Europe), you matriculate into a college, and you begin specific studies. If you are studying Biochemistry or Psychology, that's all you do, from first year. You may take a few other classes to ensure balance, but make no mistake: you must have declared your major even before you matriculate. You usually indicate it on the application form.

In West Africa, the food is really good, and spicy. There are only two season: rainy season, and dry season. The dry season is cool and wet. In top universities there, academics are tough. Very tough. You have to do a lot of self directed studies.

In Canada, since it bears a lot of resemblance to the U. S., you can expect a sameness of sorts. However, you matriculate with a major already decided. There's nothing like a declaring a major after soph year.

I cannot speak with certainty for other regions, but you could visit the websites of some acclaimed schools in certain regions e.g. Tsingua University in Asia, University of Cape Town in South Africa, Kazan Federal University in Russia e.t.c

They will (largely) give a glimpse into the differences and peculiarities to college culture.

If you do not attend college in the U. S., you may as well be prepared to miss out on frats and sororities (if Greek life is your thing), four seasons, and liberal arts studies.

Good luck with your decision, whatever it is.

4 years ago

Well, it very much depends on the country.

In the United Kingdom, get ready for all-year-long rain, and start spelling colour with a U.

In Germany, you get to experience the prime of Europe, and also spelling colour with U.

In West-Africa, get ready for sunny days and bustling life, and also spelling colour with U.

In South Africa, get ready for careless partying and hot girls. Don't forget to spell colour with U.

In Australia, Everyone's your mAtE, gossip goes around fast, and you spell colour with U

The point is: there is no American college experience to miss out on, but the American experience itself.

Don't go If you aren't ready to spell counsellor with double L (the way it's supposed to be), or to use metres (with re), Kilograms and celsius (like the rest of the world).

That means: America is unique and nowhere else can imitate that. come on, what other country has more than 13,500 McDonalds and produces 7.1 pounds (3.2 kg) of trash per person each day.

If you aren't ready to leave for 4 years, don't

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