4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Hi I'm a permanent resident. Can I get into college here in US?

I moved to USA last year. I have a Bachelor's degree from Bangladesh. Do I need to evaluate my transcripts? What type evaluation do I need?

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@michowdhuryabida year ago [edited]

@Shuan vai Well, I have almost the same questions as you, but slightly different. Can you please help me/guide me on that? I don't have my bachelor's degree yet. I completed my HSC in 2021. Now I'm a gap year student. I will get my Green Card hopefully within November... Insha Allah. So, when I come to the USA and get my permanent resident card, aka Green Card, do I need to wait 1 year to be admitted to an in-state or public college? I might give my DSAT in Bangladesh on October or November 23.

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2 answers

4 years ago

If you're already a permanent resident of the US, than you should be able to attend college in the same way a US citizen would. You might have a little more paperwork to fill out (depending on the college) but there shouldn't be any major differences.

The biggest concern would be with colleges looking at your academic achievements in the past. Specifically, American admissions officers might not understand Bangladeshi grades (if they're significantly different. I'm not familiar with the Bangladeshi system.) If this is the case, you can simply add a note to explain it on your application. (It would probably go in the "additional information" section).

You shouldn't need TOEFL scores or anything like that, since you're a permanent resident. The application process should be about the same as for a US citizen, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. Good luck!

4 years ago

So a green card holder can attend university so as an undergrad focused site Im not super knowledgeable but you should have a transcript and contact information from your alma mater along with any required tests such as MCATs but its field-dependent. Hope this hopes!

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