4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Improving my SAT Math score

Hey all,

I got an 1170 SAT on the most recent test date(660 on English and 510 on Math), and I was wondering how to improve my math score? I struggle with some of the advanced math topics, and many of the questions involving pi confuse me. Since I'm looking to superscore my test scores, how can I improve this score the next time I take the test? I've already been using the Khan Academy sat prep and a college panda book, so I'm looking for something that is more like a class lesson than a solely test prep exercise, so I can fully understand the topics. Thanks!


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5 answers

4 years ago

Hi, thank you for asking your question! I agree with many of the responses below because they point towards new resources -- including new books and asking for your school math departments assistance (highly underrated if you ask me:)). It seems like you have identified your weak-points when it comes to the math section which is a great starting place. Now that you know your weaknesses, spend time scouring internet videos, math practice pages and teacher resources to master this material. Unfortunately, SAT math is a topic that cannily be improved by first understanding the concept then repeatedly practicing to not make any silly mistakes. There's really no other way to get around this. I've linked an example below of a livestream with Vade where he walks through an SAT math section. If this helps you then I would suggest looking for more of his videos under our livestreams section. Additionally, I have linked access to the SAT math blog section for you to learn more about the ins-and-outs of the math section. A more philosophical understanding of SAT math will likely improve your score as well.

SAT math with Vade: https://www.collegevine.com/livestreams/248/sat-practice-test-5-section-3-math

SAT math guides: https://blog.collegevine.com/?s=sat+math

Hopefully this helps!

4 years ago

I would also add that trying to ask a teacher or professor for help could be beneficial. They assist students for a living and most would be more than happy to give you advice/lessons. It goes without saying but the best tip I can think of would be to practice, practice, practice. Don't overdo it but make sure that you have a general idea of how to solve every question just by glancing over it. Once you're comfortable with that, start implementing a timer. Hope this helps!

4 years ago[edited]

I think you should start by recognizing which part of each section you are the weakest at, and where you are the strongest at. Once you know where your weak spots are, focus on that, do more problems about those sections. At the same time, still do a few problems on the other parts (we don't want to get really good at some parts and ended up weaker on our stronger parts).

For the English section, there are 2 subsections, Reading and Writing/Language. In the Reading section there are humanity passages (the one with 2 articles and you have to compare them), science passages, and narrative passages (there might be more, but these are the general ones). In the Writing/Language section there might be parts like word-choice, grammar, usage, etc.

For the Math section, there are 2 subsections, no calculator and calculator. Some of the parts are heart of algebra, problem solving and data analysis, expressions, etc.

For example, you mentioned that problems with pi confuses you. Focus on doing more problems on that for a few hours, and see if you improve.

Feel free to reach out if you have more questions :)

Good luck!!!

4 years ago

SAT Math isn't about knowing how to do math, specifically. You have to know the 'tips and tricks' to answering the questions. Nearly every Calculator question can be answered w/o using your calculator. So that's one place to start. Actually, the place to start is to see where you're having the most trouble. Are you mainly having trouble on MWC or MWoC? If it's MWC then look at the breakdown and see if it's a specific type of question. Don't spend time learning what you already know!

Look at your whole test and figure out if there are specific types of questions that are more problematic and focus on figuring out the tips/tricks on answering those question types.

And, honestly, the best way to improve your score is by doing practice questions. The more questions you see and understand why you got them wrong, the better you'll do on the actual exam because you'll recognize the question type and know what they're looking for.

Best of luck!

4 years ago

perhaps a practice exam via Khan or another free site, then focus on the areas that you struggled with. a tutor would not hurt, but I know that can be a pricey route.

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SAT: 720 math
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