4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What is the National Youth Leadership Forum?

In the mail I had got a letter from this place and I'm currently trying to figure whether or not it's a scam.

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@MissSweetTea4 years ago [edited]

If you're considering NYLF because you think it's prestigious, you'd be dead wrong.

The National Youth Leadership Forum markets itself as a program exclusively for top students. However, there are no admission criteria for NYLF. Anyone who is currently a high school student can register for and attend an NYLF program. You don't need to have a certain GPA, extracurriculars, or leadership experience. These letter you receive is sent to thousands of students.Their goal is to maximize $.

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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

what sweet tea said it is real but totally not worth it

4 years ago

Sorry, I answered in the wrong place.

If you're considering NYLF because you think it's prestigious, you'd be dead wrong. The National Youth Leadership Forum markets itself as a program exclusively for top students. However, there are no admission criteria for NYLF. Anyone who is currently a high school student can register for and attend an NYLF program. You don't need to have a certain GPA, extracurriculars, or leadership experience. These letter you receive is sent to thousands of students.Their goal is to maximize $.

a year ago

BE VERY CAREFUL WHEN APPLYING TO THIS PLACE. We canceled within a couple of days (never formally accepted, so if you fill out an application, basically you have accepted!) And they are keeping my $450.00. Very different than other programs and basically what it means is that their application fee is nonrefundable $450!!!! Its outrageous! I have warned all of my friends and family near and far. Far better and acclaimed programs that offer better customer service anyways so dont waste your time!

4 years ago

If you try to impress colleges by showing that you went to this conference, it will most likely diminish your chances for financial aid/scholarships. Since these programs suck the money out of people's pockets, it will only show colleges that your family has the money to pay for an expensive programs, hence, why would this applicant recieve a scholarship/financial aid.

By the way, I talked to my guidance counselor about this conference after i got an email about this conference, and that's basically what she said so yeah.

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