I believe that collegevine had some kind of stats where you can see the average GPA or the percentiles for each college, but I don't know where to find it. I would really appreciate it if someone knows where to find it!
I don't know if you are looking at the GPAs for specific colleges or for every college in general, but you can find it on CV!
If you go to the school tab and click school list, you should see a list of parameters on the left hand side, and maybe a blank screen to the right of it. Now if you go ahead and add some colleges to your school list and also fill out your chancing profile in your account, you can access the average GPA for each school by selecting a particular college off of that list and going to the chancing tab underneath it. It should give you the average coursework, standardized test scores, GPAs, and extracurricular load for the college that you selected!
I hope this helps! Let me know if you are having trouble :)
I found that the common data set for each college to be the most helpful place to look for information.
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Thank you so much! Is the GPA listed there the unweighted or weighted GPA? I’m assuming it’s unweighted since it’s below 4.0, but I’m not sure.