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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What's your favorite CollegeVine feature?

We're adding polls to the community and wanted to try one out in this discussion post! Submit your vote! You can leave a reply explaining why you like the feature you voted for OR let us know what you think about this poll experience overall.

🏫 School search and chancing tools
📝 Peer Essay Reviews
💬 Communities
Poll closed93 votes
You can earn an 🚀 Above and Beyond award if the original poster thinks your reply takes the conversation to the next level!
4 years ago

I will say the chancing tool is what brought me here along with the live streams but my fav feature is the communities since I can help people with their college questions which I love doing.


4 years ago

Hello! This would be such an amazing feature to have in CollegeVine. I love the simplistic approach and the little icons. This is amazing! :)

4 years ago[edited]

The little icons are actually just emojis! They're part of the text and you can even add them to any post.


4 years ago

The school search and chancing tool is what brought me here, but the community function is why I stayed!


4 years ago

I have 790 karma and a 20x multiplier; how’d I fail the scholarship bid this time?? 😭😭

4 years ago

Also a suggestion, can CollegeVine expand their resources to undergraduates as well? I understand this would be quite a difficult task and gaining enough for an active “community” would be strenuous, but I think it’d really throw this site over the top if not already

4 years ago

Can you share more? What resources would you provide for undergraduates? Would undergraduates be able to interact with high school students or would their experiences be separate?

4 years ago[edited]

Honestly I think if an undergraduate community was added, it would encourage people to stay after HS (I think this could be a start to expanding the site’s reach to others). Even though many hang around afterwards to provide help, there could be substantial attraction if additional resources were targeted to undergraduates as they are high schoolers. The community doesn’t necessarily have to be separate, but a sub-community. But if academic essays or graduate personal essay reviews were to be added, I think that may have to be a separated entity only because of the average skill-level of the writer. Perhaps something to consider for now, but I think a lot of it is easier said than done

More honestly, though, I think the site already has an excellent “niche” as in high school preparation. I say this because many sites only offer either a forum OR articles of advice—this site offers that and more. It’s certainly one of the most interactive that’s available. But as a suggestion, I think if CV were to expand it’d be one of the (if not the) largest open source available for “students of higher education”.

4 years ago

Cool! Thanks for the suggestions :) Definitely something that we’ll think about (I totally agree that having more undergrads on here would be awesome)


4 years ago

The chancing tool is what originally draw me to the site and the rest were amazing features that I was happy to have as a resource!


What are your chances of acceptance?
Your chance of acceptance
Duke University
+ add school
Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Community Guidelines

To keep this community safe and supportive:

  1. Be kind and respectful!
  2. Keep posts relevant to college admissions and high school.
  3. Don’t ask “chance-me” questions. Use CollegeVine’s chancing instead!

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