4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What kind of extracurriculars are you doing while quarantained?

I always feel stressed when I have nothing to do. What are some things to do while stuck at home? Bonus points if its something that looks good on college applications.

@rhgirl4 years ago

Start a blog or YouTube channel. If you would like to kill 2 birds with one stone (good for you and good to include on your college app) what are your interests and hobbies or talents that you can share? For example, my son reached out to his teacher to start a virtual film club. The teacher moderates and everyone votes on which movies to watch. They watch 2 movies (Monday & Wednesday) a week and discuss the next day (Tuesday & Thursday). Think of your strengths and interests

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3 answers

4 years ago

You could take online classes in addition to the classes you are taking right now. I know a lot of IB schools and colleges (even Ivy Leagues) that are offering free classes online for students to take. I have started a few online courses myself, and would love to help you out! Also, if you are like me and enjoy making things to release stress, you could always make things and sell them online and start a mini business. I know a lot of people are shopping online nowadays due to COVID, so you could make money while also doing something that would look good on your college applications, especially if you want to go into the business or marketing fields. I hope this helped. :)

4 years ago

I've been suggesting students try to get involved with something COVID-related, as long as it doesn't force you to leave your house and put anyone in danger. Organize an online donation drive for a local relief org, or see if there's some form of at-home volunteer work you can do. Not only would those look good on an application, but you'd be making a real impact in a time where something like that is incredibly necessary.

Other than that, I also like the advice to try and develop or work on a hobby. A lot of people have more free time right now than they ever will again—and while that's certainly stressful and you shouldn't feel pressure to be productive when there's so much hanging over everyone's heads right now, you can try to take advantage of that time to pursue something you've always wanted to try. Try to write a book, or make a short film, or make some chemical reactions, or learn a programming language, or learn an instrument, or pick up some drawing skills, or solve a physics challenge... the list goes on.

4 years ago

I would recommend thinking about the things that interest you, and the career path you might go down, and try and link them together. For example, creating a blog not only makes you stand out from other candidates, it can help you get a higher tier on writing, and also can show colleges your a person who does things because of passion, not to fill out a list. Make it not only about the career path you might go down, but also about the things that interest you. Some blogs even let you show music and videos, so you can use that to the best of your abilities. Also, try and do something for your local first-responders; try and help them out, it's hard times. I hope this answers you're question, along with what @aditiumapathy said!

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