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4 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which sports have the most pull in admissions?

Hi! Does anyone know which sports have the most pull in college admissions? For example, does tennis have more pull than say, track and field or swimming? What about lacrosse, or volleyball?

@alexasre562 years ago

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4 answers

4 years ago

Unless you are recruited none of them has an outsized impact compared to an equivalent non-sport extracurricular. Think of it this way football and basketball are likely the most impressive sports but a benchwarmer football player will always be less impressive than a varsity lacrosse player. But also competition level matters. But team events like basketball getting to state is less impressive then lets say singles tennis. Hope this helps!

2 years ago[edited]

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2 years ago

I didn't quite understand what it was about, but I really like tennis. I even decided that it would be nice to have special equipment at home, so I bought a table tennis table, as well as various equipment nittaku table tennis. It seems to me that there has never been a sport in my life that has fascinated me so much.

4 years ago

Well, honestly it truly depends on gender. In certain male sports the competition is brutal, i.e. football, baseball, and basketball. But even if you are a Male in a less mainstream sport like bowling, golf, lacrosse, etc. Even these less talked about sports can be more competitive than if you were a female. Unless of course if the female is active in the "female sports" like soccer, volleyball, softball, and basketball. Another thing to consider is like @Debate MAX mentioned, it's all up to the school. Factors like funding, participation, legacy, and so much more are at play here. But if the athlete has their stats (gender, experience, skill, opportunity, talent, etc.) they can definitely start researching the school's stats (funding, participation, ranking, etc.) for the prospective sport(s). I hope I have answered your questions well and that I wasn't too confusing.

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