What was your favorite club/team in high school? Also, if the answer was other then type what it was.
(The reason I'm asking is that I want to know some good clubs/teams to join in high school and also I will be a freshman in the fall).
This is super personal, there aren't "better" or "more fun" activities in general, per se. You probably want to ask upperclassmen at your school instead of generally. What each person considers fun is very personal. What is considered "good" in terms of an activity is also really subjective. Do you want to be active? Creative? Have discussions? Do something hands-on? All of this is completely up to you. Just try everything you think you might be interested in and go from there.
Yeah, I understand but because I haven't gotten to high school yet I want to know what are some popular clubs/teams and I'll try them and see if I like them and if not I'll drop them.
ask upperclassmen! as I said, it really varies from school to school. my school is very athletics focused, but my friend's school has an excellent theatre program that's popular. it all depends.
My favorite club was Drama just because the other students were super fun to hangout with and it was just an all around great experience. But I think I got the most value out of my schools pre-pre-med club because it gave me a good foundation to build from as I got further along in highschool. Also, like other people have said, it really depends on your school. Talk to your counselor and some upperclassmen!
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