3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Hey guys can you suggest me some exra-curricural activities which i can do from home?

I am currently in 9th grade and i want to prarticipate in extra-curricular activities but my school does not provide any extra-curricular activities ...

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4 answers

3 years ago

I had this exact problem when I started virtual learning. My first piece of advice is to join ANY groups or opportunities your school provides. Yes, I mean ANYTHING.

Colleges look at all applications in a holistic view so if you mention on your application (in the additional information section) the lack of opportunities at your school they might take your situation with a grain of salt.

But despite this, you want to make sure you still have something to offer them, so maybe consider starting or joining an outside-of-school club or organization.

When I had this same issue I started planning a community project using social media and it became extremely successful, making or joining projects outside of school can be an awesome activity.

My last piece of advice is to advocate for more clubs, organizations in your school. If you end up making a club in your school when this is rare, college admission councilors might become more fond of you since in your situation this is a great achievement.

Wish you the best of luck :-)

3 years ago

Start looking for online courses on websites like Coursera, EdX etc. Many courses are free too! You should also start finding activities happening around you like Online Model UN conferences, volunteer work. If there's nothing happening, why don't you start organizing fun activities like book reviews, movie reviews or even a full fledged club involving the people of your region?

I am in grade 12th currently and had the exact problem in July last year. So, me and my friends organized an online Model UN conference where we invited participants from all over the nation. The funds that we raised were donated to an NGO. It was a really good experience.

3 years ago

I would look around your area for volunteer programs! They look amazing on college apps and it shows that you have a good work ethic, as well as showing support for your community! Select a non-profit, animal shelter, elderly care facility, etc of your choice and see if they're taking volunteers. You should also look into recreational sports in your community. Sports are a great way to learn teamwork, discipline, and ambition. If traditional competitive sports aren't your thing, then look into other athletics such as dance, rock climbing, yoga, etc. It's never too late to start something new! Music is also a great opportunity! Try picking up a new instrument, or invest in voice lessons. See if there are any junior internships in a career area you are interested in! I hope this helps and good luck with your search!

3 years ago

If your school doesn’t offer extracurriculars (assuming they do allow clubs, though), this would be a perfect opportunity to create a club for a thing you’re interested in. There are some clubs that you could create a chapter for that are part of a national group like FBLA, but you could create your own new club like “animal club” that isn’t really associated with a broader organization. Colleges will see that you took initiative by creating a club. Since it’s your first year, this gives you lots of time to grow the club which colleges will like as well.

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