3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Which college?

I am having trouble deciding which colleges to apply to. I want to study film production, and I’m considering Loyola Marymount or Chapman. Which one would you recommend? They both seem really similar, but if anyone can help me out it would be mush appreciated!

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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

Hey! I'm from California so I know that both of these colleges are amazing. As for your degree, I have heard good things about Chapman's film classes. In the end, it just depends on wherever you would like to go! Both schools are phenomenal schools, so I would recommend researching more into both of them and finding which one you think you would feel more comfortable in. You could also try asking people who already attend the universities and ask advice from there. I'm not sure since covid, but you may be able to tour the colleges too! Hope this helps and good luck!

3 years ago

I’ve been able to talk to my friends who attend Chapman and they love how diverse the subjects are and how they interact. However I would ask both schools for a video chat with either a student or an admission counselor.

3 years ago

Hey, I don't know much about those two schools. I would consider researching the opportunities both of these schools have because I am sure there would be a difference. Attend any virtual information sessions they have! Another piece of advice is to email their film production department to learn more about what type of opportunities they have! Also, don't just pay attention to their opportunities and if they have your major but also their environment. Ask yourself questions like: Can you imagine yourself at that school?, Are the faculty and students there welcoming? and much more. I hope this helps!

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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