3 years ago
Admissions Advice

What can i do to improve my learning habits without distraction?

Please guys be sincere to me. I am asking for your advice on how to improve my learning habits because distraction might hinder, so please advise me on it.


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2 answers

3 years ago

I am also super prone to distraction, so some things I do to increase my focus are as following:

1. The 5-Minute Rule. If I have a big project that I am not looking forward to doing, I try to work on it for 5 minutes every chance I get. This might be once in the morning before classes, once during lunch and once after school. Eventually this will all add up so that a major project won't be as daunting.

2. Getting rid of all distractors. If you have a phone, keep if away from yourself during class or study time. I can't tell you how many times I have felt the need to reach for my phone when I'm in class, so having it somewhere I can't easily get to is helpful. If the distractors are other people, learn to embrace alone time. For example, if you learn remotely and family members are constantly being loud go to a space in your house where you can focus. If you learn in-person and your friends are the problem, try to focus less on the conservations you could be having with the same and more on the lesson/assignment at hand.

3.Find out what learning strategy work the best for you. Do you learn best from reading over your notes? Watching lecture videos? Getting to learn new ideas hands-on? Everyone has a different learning style, but for me being able to look back at notes and recall stuff outloud helps me the most. Having a style that suits you can make all the difference.

These are just a few tips out there, but I hope you find them helpful. Also, it's important to remember that everyone gets distracted every once and a while. The thing to worry about is not getting distracted ALL the time. :)

3 years ago

Proactive learning habits are best! Watching videos/lectures/reading them/etc. and taking notes attentively will work. Simply viewing it won’t. Furthermore, you want to actively engage in you learning, this could be anything from hands-on to summarizing notes. Passive learning will give more opportunity for distraction, and even without, it can slip away easily. Passive learning is simply copying note, reading, or watching a video—your only holding onto headlines. With active learning you get the full picture!

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