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5 years ago
Admissions Advice

Should I take Dance instead of an AP?


So I'm a junior right now, and for the past three years, I've really wanted to try out for our school's dance team. But instead of trying out senior year, I'm thinking about taking a 5th AP, like Environmental Science or another science class instead.

For some background, I've already decided on taking AP Physics 1 next year, I've taken AP Bio and AP Stats, and I'm considered to be one year ahead of most of the other juniors at my school. Still, I feel like I need to add another science course to compensate for not taking all four years of math. I'm also planning to go into Comparative Literature (and maybe creative writing) if that helps.

Would taking dance be worth it at all? Putting enjoyment aside, will it boost/hinder my application in any way? Or am I just overthinking it and taking dance vs. another AP won't mean a lot either way? Thank you for your help!

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5 answers

Accepted Answer
5 years ago

It's important for you to decide what you value more, dance or the AP class? Talk to your school counselor or students and that may be helpful. Colleges like seeing a well rounded person too, they don't JUST care about your GPA and coursework. You can definitely show them that you do well academically but is there anything significant to show that you can do more? I also wouldn't recommend taking the AP class if it's just for college applications. If you have an interest in Environmental Science, you should take it. However, if it's just to look good on your apps, that can lead to stress and overload. Ask yourself if you would take the class even if it wasn't important for college apps. I hope this helps!

5 years ago

I don't this it will matter that much if you are already taking 4 aps next year. do what would make you happier it's your last year of high school.

5 years ago

If you plan on majoring in something that would look at more AP science classes, I think it would be wise to boost your application by taking another AP science class. You also want to consider what extracurricular activities you have done, and if you haven't done any you should consider doing one, if not dance then something else because colleges also look at your extracurriculars. If your school offers some variation of a study hall, you could also take that and do both the AP class and dance. In the end, you should talk about it to your counselor and possibly your parents about what is best for your future.

5 years ago

I can relate to your dilemma, and I understand how overthinking can make these decisions difficult. However, personally I can tell you colleges look into the classes you take (AP, IB) including your extracurricular activities. They want to see if you're able to manage taking critical classes along with being involved with clubs. With that being said, it's great that your considering the outcome of both choices but, don't forget to have fun and enjoy your last two years of high school.

5 years ago

I think it honestly depends on which career or college you’re deciding on. For example if you want to study biology, i think it’s better if you take the AP classes, but if you want to study something about arts or dance i say you go for it.

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