3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Passion Project

How do I incorporate both music and medicine/healthcare into a passion project for college applications?


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I feel like this question was made for me to answer haha, because I am currently doing a research project that incorporates both music and medicine! I am researching the effect of frequencies in music and general sounds in the limbic system (or simply put, how do the highs and lows in music stimulate emotional responses?). I am researching this to expand music therapy :). Here's what I suggest for coming up with ideas for a passion project

1. Get inspired! Keep up with current events in both music and medicine. Watch videos on topics you find intriguing.

2. Find a link. How are music and medicine different and how are they similar? How can music aid medicine and vice versa. Like @McKellarr said, playing for a local hospital is a great way to link music and medicine :). You could also consider starting a research project. Write a paper on the mathematical or scientific side of music. One recent study in Johns Hopkins Univesity revealed that singing strenthed the vocals chords of Parkinson's Disease patients.

3. Develop Your Niche. Are you a guitar player? Do you play the flute? Sing? Do you write music, compose music, produce music, etc? What about medicine? What is the branch you want to go into? Oncology? Immunology? Dermatology? Do you want to work in insurance? Fight for better healthcare? Be specific about your skills and hopes for the future.

4. Find a mentor. This is not mandatory but having someone who can teach you things you may never have considered before can be super helpful. This could include shadowing a doctor at a local hospital, working closely with a vocal coach, etc.

I hope this was helpful and best of luck to you! :) Let me know if I can clarify anything.

3 years ago[edited]

Hey!! I'm someone who does this too! You can try to make up a song to spread awareness about healthcare-related issues! Music is a powerful tool so use it to spread positivity! Or you could try to understand the effect of music on our health like @Amelia17 has pointed out. I hope this helps!!!

3 years ago

Create 2 awesome projects! No seriously, do not force both your interests into one project if it is not possible. Put maximum effort into both separately, and you should be just as fine.

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