How many HS years of FL do select schools look for? I have taken Spanish 1 in 8th grade, Spanish 2 in 9th grade, and Spanish 3 on line the summer between 9-10 grades. Do I need to take Spanish 4 this year online? My school does not offer Spanish 4. They only offer AP Spanish and I just am not fluent enough to take AP. The only problem is if I take Spanish 4, it will ding my GPA/RAnk. Help What do I do?
I know most schools will ask for at least 3 years, including the big ones like MIT… but unnoffically, most schools want to you do 4 years as “the student should be able to converse in a foreign language, and understand their culture to gain diverse perpectives."
I would say do 4 years of LOTE ( Languages other than English ), or as much as you can. The key for the more elite schools is to take the most rigorous courses available, so if you are willing, I would suggest you to spend some time to revise your fluency, and do AP Spanish.
Hope that helps, and have a good one! :)
I have heard that schools usually like their students doing 4 years of language. But it is not very mandatory to do 4 years. I think that AP Spanish is the same as Spanish 4. Is there another class such as Spanish Honors?
I know most selective schools will ask for at least 3 years, I'm not sure for Ivys though since I'm not interested in them. Although I will they might wonder why you didn't challenge yourself by taking AP Spanish but again this is more for selective schools.
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