3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Questions about class rankings.

Our school doesn't do class rank, but we do quartile, deciles, etc. How do you know which percentile of ranking you are in? ie top 10, 20. 30 etc.

Also, when deciding the ranks, does your high school base it only off your grades or the quality of classes as well as your grades. For example, would a 4.0 student with one AP class rank the same as a student with a 3.8 GPA with 5 APs, 2 college courses, and 7 honors courses? Do extracurriculars play a role in class rank?

Again, our school doesn't do class rank, but I saw that on the common application link/form (https://commonapp.my.salesforce.com/sfc/p/#d0000000eEna/a/0V000001Avzq/PBXzR0UOtu4hSdgTXHDH9Sk6bTeQ6w8l2NQblq_KoZ0) the counselors fill out your ranks and etc.

3 years ago

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I'm sorry, I didn't know that wasn't allowed. I won't do that again. Thank you.

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3 answers

3 years ago

My school doesn’t do class rank either. When it comes to percentile, the best person to ask would be your counselor. My school has multiple counselors and assigns them by last name. If your school has multiple counselors and you are assigned a specific counselor, they would be your best bet. If they are unavailable, try one of the other counselors.

For my school, when they’re calculating valedictorian and salutatorian, they do give extra weight to APs and dual enrollment courses. We don’t have honors courses at my school, so I can’t really say anything in that regard. No, extracurriculars do not play a role in class rank. Also, regarding whether a school ranks based on the quality of the classes, this is just how my school does it. I don’t think I’d universal; the way your school ranks probably depends on what school district you are in (if public) or on your school’s own standards (if private).

Hope this helps!

3 years ago

My school doesn't tell you your class rank because my school is about 6000 students and therefore, too large. With that being said, you can always ask for your class rank and they usually give me my percentile and not a specific rank. My school only bases class rank entirely on GPA.

3 years ago

Hi, so my school does class ranks and based on how well you are doing in your classes comparing to other students in your grade level. It is regardless of quality of classes and types of classes. Also, extracurriculars does not play a role. So, overall it is just based on grades! If your school did class ranks, it would show up on your high school transcript so the counselors would not have to fill that out. In the common app, you would choose none when ask for class rank. Here is a link from the Common App Support about not having class rank: (https://appsupport.commonapp.org/applicantsupport/s/article/How-do-I-report-my-class-rank-and-GPA). Hope this helps!

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