4 years ago
Admissions Advice

What are things high schoolers should be doing to take advantage of this time?

Hey! I'm a freshman, and I know even though this crisis is a major headache for a lot of people (esp the upperclassmen), it has really provided some of us valuable time to do things we never usually had the time to. I am asking if anyone can provide a helpful list of SPECIFIC activities we, high schoolers, should be doing now to boost up our resume, or even just personal advancement in general. Links to some free online classes and places to volunteer would be spectacular!


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4 answers

Accepted Answer
4 years ago

Here are some online volunteering opportunities I've found:

- https://www.zooniverse.org/about

- https://www.bemyeyes.com/

- https://redcrosschat.org/digitalvolunteer/

- http://www.cardsforhospitalizedkids.com/

Volunteering is a great way to spend your time and advance yourself personally! Taking online courses can also be fun and give you visibility into what subject areas are out there that you might be interested in.

- https://www.classcentral.com/collection/ivy-league-moocs

4 years ago

You can search for remote internships/volunteer opportunities, learn new skills through a MOOC like Coursera and edX, or even concurrently enroll at a local community college. Another thing you might want to pursue is starting an online business, which can range from a whole set of ideas such as starting a blog or writing an online course to freelance work. Whatever interests you!

4 years ago

Hey, I just recently found an online Tutors website and I thought it may be helpful. It is 100% percent free (you don't even need to signup) and they provide group tutoring for all sections of the SAT and ACT. They even have a weekly College Planning Class, where 2 college students have an open Q&A to all of those who signed up.

I find it pretty neat and nice, the tutors are college students with an exceptional SAT Score and they have helped me a lot. They are mainly based in the Houston area, but they are doing all their classes virtually (via Zoom). You might wanna check them out.

Website - https://thecovidtutors.wixsite.com/website

4 years ago

A few basic one would be a blog about anything and maybe look into clubs that arent arent your chool that you may be able to start and if you know what you want to major in try to have it tie into that field.

i dont think its needed as you're a freshaman but look into psat

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