pls guys do you think that failure is a good experience or a bad experience.
Failure is great... depending on how you react to it.
When you first come across it, in whatever area of life, it's obviously going to hurt. It's okay to let out all the stress and pain you feel upon coming across failure, but the most important part is how you'll act after the initial encounter. Are you going to learn from what mistakes you made, modify what you did, and try again? Or are you going to try and blame external factors, saying that every time you do X, you get Y, instead of what you desire (Z)? Sometimes we come across failure over and over again because we don't realize that we're doing the same failed plan over and over, thinking we'll get a different outcome. (That's Einstein's definition of insanity lol).
Wherever you go, I hope you keep this mindset (or not, it's honestly up to you), as you'll likely be successful if you do. All the luck to you!
Failure is both good and bad. It sucks in the moment and has its own consequences, but long term, you gain a lot of experience from failure. That experience is key to succeeding because you’ll have stronger determination and a better insight.
I believe that failure is a good experience. I believe that failure is mandatory in order to become successful. If you do not fail then you will have no way of know what not to do in order to succeed. I also believe that in the end failing makes you stronger no matter the situation.
The more you become okay with failing the better you do as a person
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