3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Will colleges be able to see my 12th grade classes and GPA?

When I apply for colleges after 11th grade, and I send my transcript, will they be able to see my classes and GPA from my 12th grade classes?

I'm a sophomore right now, and my GPA was really bad at the start of 9th grade, but it improved to 3.75. I still want to improve it to a 3.85 or up, and I'm taking a lot of AP classes next year, but my school doesn't weigh GPAs, so it's just for credits. I don't really think my GPA after 11th grade will be 3.85 (I did the calculations), since I only have 4 semesters left. So I was wondering, do schools count your 12th grade GPA along with the rest of your cumulative GPA from 9,10, 11th grade? I averaged out all of the GPAs if I were to have my 12th grade GPA added to my transcript, I would reach my goal GPA of 3.8-3.85. Do colleges view the transcript with 12th grade classes added on? Is the transcript we send them during applications, updated each semester automatically? How can colleges view your grades in 12th grade? Sorry if this was confusing. Thank you!


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2 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago[edited]

Absolutely all colleges will see your 12th-grade course lists, your grades, and your UWGPA and WGPA. When you apply to college either ED, EA, RD, or SCREA on the Common App or Coalition App or their own app, you have to provide your course list and your self-reported UWGPA. Your HS is responsible for sending to the colleges your mid-year 12th-grade transcript report and your final 12th grades. In most cases, the grades are sent by your school after you apply EA, ED, or SCREA, and RD in some cases. Even if you are admitted to various colleges, they fully expect you to keep up your grades. In some cases, if you slack off and get Cs and Ds, you will find yourself in a precarious situation which may include having your admittance rescinded. And if you falsify your GPA or course lists or any other test score, you can also have your application/admission rescinded as well.

Keep in mind, you are not permitted to submit your transcript, only your HS counselor can submit your official transcript. In some cases, colleges allow you to self-report your grades but they follow up by comparing them to the official transcript which your HS counselor sends in. One of the main responsibilities for HS counselors is to make sure colleges get all the requisites school records and recommendations in a timely manner.

Hope that clears up things for you.

3 years ago

I disagree with the other person who commented, not all schools will require you to submit your second semester of senior year grades. If you get accepted into a school, very rarely do they request your second semester grades. This is where that senior slack idea comes in, you can get away with doing slightly worse your second semester of senior year as long as it’s not significant. However if it is significant like the other person commented, your admissions can get rescinded. Colleges can claim that you misrepresented your grades and they basically withdraw you from your admittance. Even if you’ve already excepted offers of admittance, picked out a counselor, paid for meal plans, significant drops in your grades can completely dissolve your offer of admittance from top universities.

As far as the schools that request second semester senior grades, usually you can just Google it. I found that generally the more competitive the school is, the more likely they are to request your second semester grades. Notre Dame in particular usually will send a request for your second semester grades, because it’s a huge competitive monster of a school.

In my personal experience with both UK and UCLA, schools that I was accepted into, neither of them asked me for a report of my second semester grades during my senior year.

Please do not read this as, yes you can slack the second semester. You can slightly slack. However if you fail a class, colleges have to be notified of this because it will change how many credits you’re set to earn. Failing a class the second semester of your senior year really sucks because there’s no make up opportunities to raise your grade up.

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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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