3 years ago
Admissions Advice

Why did you choose to do virtual or in-person, and how's it currently working for you?

Hello collegevine community,

I'm curious on everyone's decision on why you chose to stay virtual or in-person. Was it because you wanted to perform better grade wise? Or maybe you wanted to socialize more? Regardless, post a comment on why you chose to do so and if it's doing a good job at achieving your want/need!

Not asking because I'm deciding or anything, just curious.

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3 years ago

My school has been in-person full time except for a small break from thanksgiving until after new years due to a covid outbreak and winter break. Other than that, I have been very fortunate to not have had to go virtual all year. I think in retrospect, I definitely do better academically online because I have more free time that I can work on my assignments, but my mental health suffers a lot more. I tend to be a little more extroverted so I need social interaction. My anxiety and depression gets significantly worse when I don't have social interaction with people outside of my family. This school year has definitely been harder academically and I am finding that I am extremely burnt out. I'm finding that it is a lot of work to be in person full-time and it is very emotionally and mentally draining, but I think that being in-person is better than the alternative of being fully online.


3 years ago

Hello! I was an incoming freshman, so while in-person learning could have been beneficial so I could learn how the school works, I chose remote learning because of my fear of getting COVID-19. It is working great so far. We even get to catch a glimpse of students in-person through the camera.


3 years ago

In PR we had a completely online year (tho I went for exactly ONE day to school), it's been pretty hard w/o support there but you find ways to push ahead. In general Fiveable has really helped with APs tho! I guess having that extra time did help with me developing new projects and studying more :)


3 years ago

My school had a very similar model as @rachaelshuman. I actually did really well during all online school and got straight A's for the first time in high school. Now I'm completely in-person this semester and I'm still actually doing really well, all A's and a B in math currently. So I don't know if the format of school really made a difference, although I know I would be very worn out by now if I stayed online. I love being back in person, and it helps me stay engaged and more excited to learn. The social aspect helps a ton with that too. Even though there are some days I would like to roll out of bed for online school, I'm so glad I didn't choose all online.


3 years ago

My school offered a hybrid model where at first we were all virtual, then virtual 4/5 days of the week, and then gradually less and less until there were students who were fully in-person or fully virtual. I opted to go in person because I knew that I would perform better in academic classes as well as have a better experience in my fine arts classes. I take a lot of performance-based courses like Acting and Musical Theatre and taking the classes online is nearly impossible.


3 years ago

My school (like many others) offered both in-person and online classes but I chose online. My reasoning was similar to @amallios but I feared getting my parents sick instead. Being completely honest though; online school isn't for me. I've been struggling -a lot- to maintain my high grades and because of mental health reasons and lack of motivation, I almost failed my first semester as a junior (that made my GPA decrease and it just made my mental health decline more).

This second semester I'm doing better (in the majority of aspects) but it still is incredibly exhausting.

Anyway, going back to the school attending method, my school did require everyone to go in person for EOCs (end-of-course testing. Not all students had EOCs fortunately). This year they're only worth .01% of our grades, compared to an astounding 20% in other years, so it's not really worth it going and taking them but it is a requirement.

They're planning on sending us back in person in the fall semester (with proof of vaccination) and while I'm not happy about waking up early again, my mental health and my academic life will improve so that's good.

Hope this helps! :)

🎤3 years ago

love your name and I hope your mental health does improve. The summer is close! My optional hybrid county is making us wake up earlier already. I think that's the one thing I liked about this covid year, earlier start times. Feels like a compensator for the stressful environment we're now put through.

3 years ago

Thank you! My school begins at the same time (7:10) but whenever there's EOCs you get the option to sign a parent form. This lets the student to go back home early (whenever they finish their test). It's a good option for those who don't want to stay at school the entire day


3 years ago

Hi, I decided to keep doing full-time online learning because it really has helped me a lot, my grades and GPA have improved. I feel more focused in my classes now and the assignments that I do are easy. I went from having Cs and Bs to getting almost straight As. The problem is my school gave us the option to do online or in-person for next year. I don't know if I want to continue doing online next year which is my senior year in high school. I want to go so I can enjoy my final year of high school and see my friends but I also don't because of how well I've been doing. Other than that it's going great for me!


3 years ago

I stayed online because my at-risk grandparents were living with us, and I had already gotten used to the online system. Even though the in-person choice is pretty much identical to online, I didn't feel like getting up earlier and having to put on actual clothes and add that element of risk of being around people who might not care about safety guidelines.

I later realized that it was mainly because it was easier to procrastinate, and that's something I'm trying to remedy before the end of the school year.

I intend on going back in-person next school year anyways, and I'm rejoining my cross-country team during the summer, so I know it's not for much longer.


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