3 years ago
Admissions Advice

unc chapel hill sent me an email

2 days ago i saw a mail from unc chapel hill when i was checking my mails. it says ''Dear Muhammet, We know that you’ve worked hard to reach this point in your journey, and we're glad to meet you. As you're thinking about your next steps after high school, we look forward to sharing the stories of Carolina’s students and faculty with you. We hope that you'll begin to see a future for yourself as a Tar Heel and apply to Carolina in your senior year. We can't wait to get to know you. Sincerely, Office of Undergraduate Admissions University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill P.S. We’re writing because we're looking for bright students like you, and you've been identified as an outstanding student by either the Student Testing Service of the College Board or by the Educational Opportunity Service of the ACT.'' and i was surprised. is this a good thing? do colleges do this? how did they find my profile, unc chapel hill was in my school list on collegevine, so here maybe? and should i send a reply to them regarding this mail? sorry it's too long but i am freaking out right now


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3 answers

Accepted Answer
3 years ago

I received a lot of emails like that! I think it's because the college board gave our info to colleges! colleges just want us to know more about them, hoping that we will apply to their schools!

3 years ago

They often send those messages. From Collegevine, from Collegeboard. It's a kind of advertisement. Don't answer to them

3 years ago

Even though this is super awesome and it feels really good, it’s not at all a guarantee of admissions. They probably most likely got your contact information and your ACT information from college board when you took the test. Every time a student receives statistically high test scores on ACT and SAT tests, college board automatically will send your information to colleges that might be interested in you. Congrats!

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Duke University
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Your chancing factors
Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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