I go to a very small charter school that does not offer any accelerated courses whatsoever. We have no AP, IB, or honors courses available. By the time I graduate I will have taken 21 college courses at Ivy Technical community college, i’ll have earned 63 total credits. Will my application be less competitive compared to other students who have taken APs?
I am earning an associates degree and I am planning on applying as a first year, not transfer. I am fully aware that if I go to an Ivy, my credits and degree will not go towards my education. I’m more worried about whether or not my transcript is going to stand out compared to other students who have taken APs.
If your school doesn't give AP/IB but does give college courses, you're doing everything you can and that's what colleges wanna see!!
Colleges will be able to see that your school didn't offer AP/IB but that you took the CC courses as an alternative (I'm in the same boat). There is also a space on the application where you can explain special circumstances and what you did to challenge yourself outside of coursework. Colleges look at extracurriculars and leadership both in and outside of school and the essays are also very important on the application. Colleges also give info sessions and you can ask questions usually at the end - everything is virtual right now so easy to sign up for and access.
I think you're in a very good spot coming from a junior, colleges will see that your school doesn't offer AP or IB and that's good in your case because of the fact that you took so many college courses. By taking those college courses you went the extra mile but remember these colleges will compare you to your classmates so try to stand out in any way you can. If Ivies are your dream and they reject you submit an appeal or just realize they don't deserve you because you did everything you could.
no, i don't think ur resume will be worse than people who take AP/IB courses! colleges take the true conditions of ur school into account, so u don't need to worry at all. as long as u try ur best to challenge ur self academically!
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Everything else on my application is stellar, I have a 4.0 GPA, great extracurriculars, and I’m looking into Ivies and really competitive schools. I’m just scared that my application won’t be as good as others who are able to take those classes. I just don’t want to waste my time applying for schools that I don’t have any chance of getting into ya know