I'm interesting in you guy's opinion on what the best school for nursing students is
The Johns Hopkins School of Nursing is ranked among the top three MSN, DNP, and online nursing programs by U.S. News & World Report.
Similar variations of this question get asked a lot and I always find them difficult to answer because what one person's idea of best is might not be the same for someone else.
Duke University has a great nursing program, Emory is also great. UPenn has a good program. John Hopkins is good, especially for your masters.
All these programs are great and I'm sure people could make very strong arguments for each and everyone of them about they should be considered the "best."
Consider what you are looking for during your college experience. What part of the country do you want to be in? How big of a school do you want? Do you want a campus feel? Once you know more of what you want out of a school look at some of the college lists out there and compare the schools on the list to your criteria. It's definitely possible some of the "best" nursing schools might not be a fit for you based on what you're looking for.
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